The Pudding Shop is the nickname for the Lale Restaurant in Istanbul MAP
Restoran Lale u Istanbulu zovu i Puding šop
It became popular in the 1960s as a meeting place for beatniks and, later on, hippies and other travellers on overland route between Europe and India, Nepal, and elsewhere in Asia: the "hippie trail".
Restoran stiče popularnost 60-tih godina kao mesto susreta bitnika a kasnije, hipika i drugih putnika na ruti od Zapadne Evrope ka Indiji i Nepalu, poznatoj kao hipi ruta.
Hippie trail by NordNordWest
Hipi ruta NordNordWest-a
In its first few years, the Pudding Shop was the only place in the area where direct transportation to Asia and tourist information on Turkey were readily available. The restaurant owners put up a bulletin board inside the restaurant so that travellers could schedule rides with their fellow travellers and communicate with friends and family members.
Puding šop je tada bio jedino mesto gde su putnici mogli da nadju informacije o Turskoj i prevozu ka Aziji. Vlasnici restorana su postavili oglasnu tablu na kojoj su putnici ostavljali poruke o zakazanom prevozu i lične poruke upućene prijateljima i članovima porodice.
Messages included love and apology letters; one of the board's most well-known posts was an open love letter from "Megan" to "Malcolm" in which she asked for his forgiveness and apologised for "the business down in Greece.
Poruke su bile i ljubavne a jedna od najpoznatijih poruka na oglasnoj tabli je izvinjenje izvesne Megan ka Malkomu, za njeno "ponašanje dole u Grčkoj"
The Pudding Shop was featured in the popular book and film Midnight Express, which contributed to the growing reputation of the restaurant.
Popularnosti Puding šopa je najviše doprinela knjiga a kasnije i film Ponoćni Ekspres
We had 2 vanilla pudding and 2 pomegranate juice for 44 turkish lira.
1 euro=6,15 lira in November 2018
2 pudinga od vanile i 2 soka od nara su kostali 44 turske lire.U novembru 2018 1 evro=6,15 lira
2018 November
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